F-1 visa regulations allow students to work on campus starting with their first quarter. Off-campus employment is limited to Curricular Practical Training, Optional Practical Training, or Economic Hardship employment authorization. Students must be in good academic standing to qualify for any employment. A U.S. Social Security Card is required for paid employment.
No documentation is required from the International Center
The location of employment must be on the premises of the school.
Students can also ask their academic department office for available jobs
International students do not qualify for jobs listed as "Work Study"
Must be paid by either Cal Poly State, Cal Poly Corporation or Associated Students Inc. (ASI) to be considered on-campus employment
J-1 Employment Options
J-1 visa regulations require students to receive work authorization from the International Center before beginning on-campus or Academic Training employment. A U.S. Social Security Card is required for paid employment.
J-1 exchange students working on campus must complete the J-1 Work Form prior to beginning work. This form is found on your International Student Hub.